6 Ways Through Which Blog Strategy Helps Your Business

Planning well in advance is always best to avoid last-minute chaos. Similarly, when you have a well-defined blog strategy, it can have several benefits for your business. We will read a few ways a blog can help your business.

A well-written blog always leads to engagement and ultimately leads to sales. If you are still thinking about how a simple blog strategy will help your business, keep reading to know more. There are several benefits of having a proper blog strategy. 

Before starting your blog strategy, it’s crucial to keep these key tips in mind.

  • Design a proper blog according to your brand niche
  • Define your audience
  • Set your goals
  • Plan your content calendar carefully
  • Do a good keyword research
  • Be consistent with your blog posts
  • Most importantly – Focus on Quality!
  • Add a proper CTA.

How does blog strategy help your business?

A blog strategy can be valuable for enhancing your business’s online presence and reaching potential customers. Check how it will help you grow as a brand.

  1. Increase traffic to your website: Regularly publishing high-quality content on your blog can help drive traffic. It can increase your online visibility and attract potential customers to your business.
  2. Raise brand awareness: A dedicated blog on your website allows you to promote your services. It helps you advertise your services and raise brand awareness with a proper set of audience.
  3. Establish your brand as an expert: By sharing your knowledge and expertise through your blog, your business can add value to your industry, like establishing yourself as an industry expert and gaining credibility and respect. It can help build trust with your audience and increase your credibility.
  4. Improve your SEO: Search engines favor websites that regularly publish fresh, high-quality content. Optimizing your blog posts with appropriate keywords and meta descriptions can improve your search engine rankings and boost your online visibility.
  5. Engage with your audience: A blog provides a platform to interact with your audience and build a community around your brand. You can foster conversations and develop relationships with your readers by encouraging comments and feedback on your blog posts.
  6. Generate leads: Always add a proper CTA in your blog posts. You can encourage readers to take action and engage with your business. It can lead to increased conversions and generate new leads for your business.

Here are a few examples of businesses and brands that have successful blog strategies.

  • Moz is a software company that provides search engine optimization (SEO) tools and online marketing. Their blog covers topics related to SEO, content marketing, and digital marketing strategy to help brands grow exponentially.
  • SEMrush, a digital marketing platform, covers SEO, PPC advertising, and content marketing topics.
  • HubSpot is a well-known company that offers software for inbound marketing and sales. HubSpot’s blog covers marketing, sales, and customer service topics.
  • Shopify is an ecommerce platform. Their blog covers topics related to online marketing and ecommerce.
  • Neil Patel is a digital marketing consultant and educator. Neil Patel’s blog covers various digital marketing, SEO, and content strategy topics.
  • Buffer is a platform that helps businesses schedule and publish social media posts. Their blog covers topics related to social media marketing, including tips and best practices for creating effective social media content and engaging with followers.

Overall, a well-executed blog strategy can help your business increase its online visibility, establish its authority in the industry, and generate new leads. By creating high-quality, informative, and engaging content, your brand can build strong relationships with its target audience and drive business growth and success.

Our dedicated team of professionals will ensure to support every type of business. Call us at 7249222661 or fill out our contact form to contact us.


Top 5 Apps for Content Creation to Make Branding Easier as a Solopreneur

As a solopreneur, managing a startup and delivering products or services can be exhilarating yet challenging. However, it can also be risky if you cannot streamline your processes effectively. With so much to do, it can be easy to become overwhelmed, leading to burnout or errors that can negatively impact your business.

Content Creation is a detailed process. Everything we see on professional websites or social media platforms is a well-thought post with detailed information. It is necessary to stay on track with the latest trends and work accordingly. Content Creation is not easy, but some simplified steps can help achieve desired results to get your brand’s content sorted.

1. Canva

A unique graphic design platform widely used for content creation. Canva is undoubtedly one of the best editing apps. It’s a user-friendly interface, and intuitive features allow you to create a wide variety of visually appealing presentations and graphical content. What sets Canva apart is its extensive selection of templates, designs, and fonts, allowing you to create customized content that truly stands out.

For beginners, Canva offers an array of free templates. And for those who need help with creatives and designing, Canva offers a free design school to help you get started. With their helpful tutorials and tips, you can learn design basics and quickly create stunning visuals.

2. Grammarly

Grammarly is a writing assistant that helps with grammar, spelling, and punctuation, ensuring your content is error-free and professional. It is a valuable tool to enhance your writing skills. There are certain limitations to the free version, but if you need help with this tool, upgrade to the paid version.

Grammarly can help users write more efficiently by catching errors and making suggestions in real time, allowing them to focus on the content of their writing.
Overall, Grammarly can be a helpful tool for anyone to improve their writing skills, whether they are writing emails, reports, essays, or other types of documents. It is a perfect tool for content creation.

3. Preview

Instagram can be an intimidating platform. Plan your Instagram feed effortlessly with the Preview app. Use it to publish through your desktop/phone. While the free version of Preview has certain limitations regarding features, it can still be an excellent option for users who are just starting or want to avoid investing in a paid tool.

However, the paid version of Preview offers even more features and capabilities for those who want to take their social media game to the next level. Overall, if you’re looking to improve your Instagram feed and make it stand out in a crowded platform, Preview can be a handy tool.

4. Make a Meme

Using memes on social media is a great way to add humor and personality to your brand or online persona. Memes are often highly shareable and can help you reach a wider audience. Using Make a Meme to create custom memes, you can easily incorporate humor into your social media strategy and keep your followers engaged and entertained. It is an excellent tool for creating custom memes that will help you add some personality to your online presence.

5. InShot

In a world full of reels, using an easy app to edit raw videos is essential. InShot is the best video editing app that allows a beginner to use it effortlessly for video content creation. Get your hands on this helpful app to make impactful reels. It is a free app. However certain things have to be purchased. Like other apps, try the free version and invest in the premium version for added benefits.

Bonus Apps for Content Creation

The content creation process continues beyond the above apps. Other interesting and essential apps will help ease the process of being a solopreneur.

  • Google Docs are the best way to draft emails or write a content piece to maintain the content series.
  • Similarly, Trello is used to manage any project or simplify tasks. It follows the Kanban-Based Project Management System.
  • Typeform to get feedback for your product or services.
  • Stripe to collect payments.
  • MailChimp is one of the best email marketing tools.
  • Xara is a cutting-edge visual communication platform that helps brands efficiently produce a wide range of content in minutes, catering to their diverse communication needs.
  • Build landing pages with Unbounce.
  • Evernote to take all the notes and essential pointers.

We would love to hear about your go-to tools or apps that benefited you during your initial days of content creation. Be sure to follow us for more informative articles. Are you interested in receiving a free consultation on how Antriksh’s social media packages can enhance your company’s value? We’re only a click away!


Incorporate Storytelling in your Design with these 3 Powerful Tricks!

Brand is the story. Design is the storytelling.- Susan Sellers

Storytelling, in design, is all about emotions. If your design successfully elicits feelings of happiness, sadness, or disgust, the story has been effectively told. For example, if you sell eco-friendly products. Then you can display visuals of endangered animals or polluted oceans to evoke feelings of guilt and encourage your users to take action.

And to further understand your customer’s wants and needs. Keep reading this blog to explore the most effective way of storytelling into the design.

Well, first off, can you think of a story without a character? A character adds interest and mystery to your design. You can display characters in brand mascot style to represent your brand. It becomes easier for the viewers to recognize your brand. This, in turn, makes your marketing more appealing to customers.

Now, how it works?

1. Choosing the right mascot for your story

All you need to do is pick a character that aligns with your brand. It can be a human, object, or animal mascot.

  • Choose a human mascot if you want to promote yourself as a person.
  • If you are selling a product or providing a service, then go for the Object mascots.
  • And opt for animal characters if you want to link visuals of mascots with your brand values.

2. Design the personality

Now, design the personality of your brand. For instance, the mascot of a kid’s cereal brand could be a fun, colorful character that appeals to young children. While for a pet brand, you can choose an approachable and friendly character.
So, this is how you can ace storytelling in design. And if you want to look deeper into brand mascots, then here are a few examples:

Mickey Mouse by The Walt Disney Company

Mickey Mouse is one of the oldest and most popular brand mascots. It represents the Walt Disney Company and is loved by people of all ages.

Julio Pringles by Pringles

Julio Pringles have a chip-shaped head. It implies all chips are equally sized, and the mustache gives a mature vibe.

Colonel Sanders by KFC

The KFC mascot design resembles its founder- Colonel Sanders. The smiling face with glasses exudes vast chef experience making it a smart choice for the brand.

3. Synergise the story with the design

It is not easy to make your customers happy. And more tough is to keep your brand memorable. However, the Brand Mascot way is a solid tactic to captivate your audience. Keep in mind the following action steps to take for optimizing mascots in your story design:

  • Create a brand mascot that sounds like a genuine character to humanize your story.
  • Keep your character consistent in terms of behavior and looks across your website and social media channels.
  • A brand mascot has the potential to bond emotionally with your users. So, use it to your advantage to express your brand values and messaging.

And if you want to simplify the process, take professional help to ensure quality work. Contact Antriksh for personalized design solutions for your business.
We are currently offering a limited-period discount on our branding packages. Check out our website or send a mail to contact@antrikshglobal.com to know more.


SEO: 5 Easy Ways to Optimize Your Blogs For Search Engines

Are you struggling to optimize your blog posts for search engines? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Many people face the same challenges when ranking their content higher in search results. Luckily, there are a few simple steps you can take to improve your blog’s SEO. With a little effort, you can see a big difference in your blog’s traffic. It is essential to write a blog effectively to provide valuable information for online readers. Keeping up with the latest or trending topics is a must. We all are part of a vast virtual race to keep up and soar high in terms of good quality content.

We all have heard the word ‘Blog SEO’ – Search Engine Optimization. Optimizing your blog is essential for search engines. The perfect example is broadening the use of keywords for the blog. It is also vital to improve the quality of content posted to rank higher for all search engines. Blogs help gain traction and visibility.

Optimizing your blog for Google can seem daunting, but there are a few key things you can keep in mind to help make the process easier. First, focus on creating high-quality content relevant to your target audience. Secondly, ensure your website is easy to navigate and includes clear and concise titles and descriptions. Finally, utilize social media and other online platforms to help promote your blog and increase its visibility. By following these simple tips, you can help ensure your blog appears higher in search engine results and reaches a broader audience. We have curated a list of things to help ease your blog’s optimization process.


1. Semantic Keywords for SEO

A focus keyword is important, but if you want the content to score high, it is essential to add ‘semantic keywords’ in your blog posts. These keywords are often similar or related to the focus keyword. Semantic keywords are visible at the end of Google search results. For instance – Type in ‘Pizza Joints in Pune.’ Just above the footer, there are semantic keywords of the above example. Include them in your blog posts.

2. Historical Blog Optimization

How often do you revisit old blog posts? The answer is only a few times if you’re like most people. But updating and revising your old blog content can be incredibly beneficial. Recent research shows that updating and improving old blog content can help you earn more money. That’s because when you revise old posts to make them more relevant to current times, they rank higher in search engine results. And since higher rankings generally lead to more traffic and opportunities to generate leads and sales.
So next time you feel stuck for new ideas, look back at some of your older content. With some updates, it could be just what you need to boost your earnings.

3. Focus/Main Keyword

Every blog post has an important keyword. Before you hit the publish button, finalizing the primary or focus keyword is essential to optimize the content well.

4. Anchor Text

Anchor text is a colored text that has an article linked to it. It helps Google/search engines or, for instance, a user to judge if the link is worth visiting to read the content. In the blog post, use Anchor text for internal or external links.

5. Title Tag

The title tag is vital in helping your website rank higher on search engines because it ensures that your primary keyword is included.


Bonus Tips

  • Make sure your site is well-organized and easy to navigate.
  • Use keyword-rich titles and descriptions to help Google index your site correctly.
  • Publish high-quality, original content regularly. This should be SEO-friendly.
  • Promote your content through social media and other channels.
  • Monitor your site’s activity and adjust your strategies as needed.
  • Avoid stuffing the primary keyword in the blog. Use the keyword wisely only in required places.
  • Customize meta description as it leads to a potential click from the user’s point of view. The meta description must have the focus keyword.
  • Check the online performance with the help of the Search Console.
  • Allow Google bots to crawl effortlessly with the help of Blog Sitemap. They crawl and often index all the content on the blog.
  • Include exciting snippets of every blog post. It helps the potential visitor to check the blog. It appears directly on the Google page when a user searches for any query. The featured snippet could be essential pointers that will help you gain organic traffic.

The checklist seems long, but let’s achieve this stepwise. However, one thing to ensure is providing high-quality and engaging content. High-quality, straightforward content helps to reduce bounce rates. The content helps reduce bounce rates, ranking you high in SEO. Above all this, write simple and easy-to-read articles. Simple things often rank high! Plan your content well in advance to avoid any last-minute confusion or complications.

Many marketers recommend SEO-based blog plugins to ensure the content gains visibility and organic traffic from search engines. These plugins help to create SEO-friendly content. However, SEO takes time to show profitable results. Some popularly used SEO plugins are Yoast SEO, SEOPress, and RankMath. Alternately generate content on the latest trends with the help of Google Trends and Google Keyword Planner Tool.

Level up your SEO game, optimize your blog, and get generated content as per your brand with the help of experts at Antriksh. Call us today to book a free consultation.


An Awesome Branding Agency to Help Your Business Grow 10X!

Running a business has multiple aspects, verticals, and sections. The primary focus for every business should be having the perfect domain knowledge and making or creating good products/services. This should be handled on an everyday basis to succeed as a brand, and this is where an agency comes into play. Contact Antriksh for growing your brand. We also offer Free Brand Analysis and Consultation.

It is important to ensure good branding practices are implemented, or else you might get lost in the crowd. Media production and branding prowess can be the difference-maker for your business in the digital age. In this article, we’ll go through why you must consider an expert to help the digital growth of your business.

1. Why should you outsource branding to an expert or an agency?

Several factors should be considered when we talk about good branding. Some of them are:

  1. Creation of good media assets.
  2. Online customer experience with a good social media presence through social media channels/websites

One should consider hiring an expert! These responsibilities should be outsourced to experts/professionals. Brands who hire in-house often burden themselves, and these can be expensive. At the same time, it leads to limited ideas.


It makes sense when the individual works for the same brand and has limited experience or ideas. At the same time, it will be a single brand in focus with no flow of ideas. On the other hand, when an agency handles this, the results will differ with proper outputs. The branding agency also comprises a dynamic team within different age groups who have extensively worked on different brands and sectors. This gives a fresh and unique perspective with constant ideas for a brand. There is an inflow of ideas to help you amp your branding game to top-notch.

Keep reading; we have simplified the overall process of why your business needs a Branding/Media Production Agency.

2. What will the Branding/Media Production Agency do?

• Create a proper online business strategy as per your brand requirements.
• The agency ensures a good setup and optimization of all your social media channels. This includes creating a good website.
• Dynamic strategy to put content on behalf of your brand.
• Ideas for Offline Marketing.


3. Why choose Antriksh?

Antriksh is a team of professionals, and we focus on graphic design, website design, content creation, video creation, article/blog writing, digital marketing, consultation, and sound production. We customize every package as per your domain/brand. Our team executes the plan with desired results.
Read more benefits that will help you reach your goals.

Time-saving deal – We will help you save time and focus on the brand part. Leave all the content creation part to us

Business expansion – We understand that for every business, every domain, and every industry, a unique approach to growth is vital. Our distinct marketing techniques are tailored to your brand type.

Refreshing content – Our team is updated with all the latest trends and content. We will add value to the existing or available content with our fresh new ideas.


Visual Approach – A picture speaks louder than words. Our team of designers will help you with striking creatives. The objective of graphics is to captivate the audience, increase their grasp of your material, generate an emotional response, and assist you in expressing crucial messaging.

Video Production – Our team consists of an in-house photographer and videographer that will help you shoot like a professional. We specialize in product/brand photography.

The above points are just a few things we perform as a Branding/Media Production agency. Are you still confused about what plans will work for you? Don’t worry; we are just a message away. Drop us a message or book a free session.


Need a Branding Plan? 5 Game-Changing Strategies To Create One!

Do you want your business to be known, loved, and successful?

All you have to do is create a unique Branding plan that aligns with your vision.  A branding plan is a long-term process to build identification and favourability with the target audience. It will help you stay focused and keep track of your goals. Contact Antriksh to create a custom Brand Strategy for your business and Book a free consultation with our experts to help you attain business objectives and increase sales.

You are putting your business in danger when you have no brand strategy; you lose-

  • Opportunities– A lack of planning in branding tactics can lead to overlooked opportunities for the growth and expansion of your business.
  • Customer Loyalty– Building strong relationships with your customers will be easy with a customized branding plan for your business. 
  • Brand Recognition– You will struggle to define your brand’s personality and values. And this will negatively impact your brand recognition and recall. 

After all, building a solid branding plan helps you communicate to your audience who you are and what you are good at! 

Let’s look at how you can create a unique branding plan to enhance your business credibility:

-Conduct a situation analysis

A situation analysis is like taking a snapshot of your brand’s environment. Start by evaluating your brand’s strengths and weaknesses with a SWOT analysis to get a clear picture. Study your competition like a detective, uncovering their strengths, weaknesses, and secret strategies. 

Check out the latest industry trends and observe your customers’ behavior and preferences. And finally, summarize your findings in a report, and use it to create a branding plan that’s a knockout!

-Define your brand personality

Start by defining your brand’s mission and values. Think about what emotions you want to evoke. Once you clearly understand your brand personality, incorporate it into your visual identity. It will ensure a consistent and meaningful brand image.

Also, get to know your target audience; you can run online polls to determine how the audience recognizes your brand. Doing this two-step process is similar to connecting the dots between how you won’t want to portray your brand and how your audience perceives it. 


-Think about your end goal

Keeping your end goal in mind ensures that your branding efforts are aligned with your overall business goals. Your end goal should be specific, measurable, and achievable for your branding plan.  For example, it could include brand recognition, building customer loyalty, or establishing a competitive advantage. 

Setting an end goal helps to prioritize your branding activities and measure the success of your branding efforts. 

-Analyse your branding strategies

Analyzing your tactics gives you a reality check. It reveals how far you have come and what adjustments to make to ensure you are moving in the right direction. Take a close look at your current branding efforts, including messaging and packaging of your brand. Then, seek feedback from your customers and know what they want to see in your branding efforts.

Simply put, get your hands dirty with the data. It is your secret key to unlocking the full potential of your brand. 


-Pick your social media channels

Choosing the right social media channels for your brand is crucial in creating a unique branding plan. You must consider the social media channels your target audience uses most. If your viewers are mainly active on Instagram, that may be a good place to focus your social media efforts. 

You can begin with a few social media channels that are most effective for your brand that helps you stand out in a crowded market. 

And also, don’t forget to set your branding budget. It could include expenses such as hiring a design agency or investing in market research. But first, you must look at your financial appetite and realistically allocate a budget.

Your audience will identify you if you create content that aligns with your brand personality. Tell your brand story in every piece of content and craft a content distribution strategy to maximize your content reach.

So, what are you waiting for? Pick your brand’s focus, personality, look and articulate your vision to the world. Follow our tips to create a unique branding plan for your brand. Or just holler at us. We’d love to help you tell your brand story. 

We at Antriksh help businesses grow and achieve targets. We also help you increase conversion rates through well-optimized content and impactful media assets for your brand. Book a free consultation with our experts to help you attain business objectives and increase sales. Our dedicated team of professionals will ensure to support every type of business. Call us at 7249222661 or fill out the form to contact us.


A 5-Step Social Media Calendar Plan To Achieve Maximum Social Traction

Can you guess what all successful campaigns have in common? Planning! 

If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. In this blog, you will get an easy and practical roadmap to create a social media calendar. 

A social media calendar is like DJ’s playlist but for your brand’s online presence. Whether you’re a social media rockstar or a newcomer, a calendar is your ticket to attract more eyeballs. Simply put, a social media calendar is an overview of your upcoming posts categorized by date and time, the social media network, and content material. 

Let’s look at what a solid social media calendar can do for your brand: 

  • It will help you to schedule posts in advance to ensure a consistent flow of content
  • It will let you focus on creating engaging material rather than scrambling for ideas on the fly
  • It allows you to strategically plan for events, promotions, and seasonal topics, maximizing the impact of your content 

So, buckle up and dive into creating a social media calendar to plan your content:

  1. Optimize your social networks and content using a social media calendar

To optimize your social networks and content, focus on quality over quantity. All you need to do is post consistently but not excessively. You can also use visually appealing graphics, eye-catching headlines, and concise language to grab your audience’s attention and drive engagement. 

So, take a deep breath, grab a virtual notepad, and get ready to give your social media a much-needed spa- your followers will thank you!

  1. Decide what your social media calendar should include.

Finding the right social channels and content mix takes some experimentation. You need to understand your audience and what they want to see to do this. Research which platforms they are most active on and adjust your strategy accordingly.

When planning your calendar, it’s also essential to vary your content mix of promotional, educational, and entertaining posts to keep your audience engaged. 

And once you have found what works, you can beat the competition and make a lasting impression. So get ready to mix, match, and come up with your winning look- to support your business goals. 

  1. Delegate social media tasks and focus on marketing collaterals.

Start by identifying your strengths and weaknesses and hand over tasks to the team members who complement your skillset. You can also free up your time by optimizing social media management tools to automate tasks and focus on other areas of your marketing strategy.

To do this, prioritize your marketing collaterals by creating eye-catching graphics, compelling copy, and well-designed presentations that effectively communicate your message. 

Blog-social-media-schedule-image (1)
  1. Plan your social calendar in advance. 

Scheduling your content in advance will give you the energy and excitement to execute the social media process efficiently. Here are three pro tips so you can plan your social calendar ahead and enjoy the win harder:

-Conduct a content audit

Look at your past posts and see what worked and what didn’t. It will give you an overview of the type of posts to include in your future content strategy. 

-Schedule your content.

Plan out your content for the next three months in advance. You can also use a scheduling tool in advance to mix up different formats, from text-based content to videos, images, and infographics. 

-Review and adjust your content. 

You should track the analytics and make changes to your social calendar. Regularly evaluating your posts will give you valuable insights for future success. 

  1. Get feedback.

Getting feedback on your social media content and implementing it is like getting a tune-up for your car. You want to make sure everything is running smoothly and efficiently. You need to listen to what others say and consider their suggestions. 

By actively seeking feedback and incorporating it into your social media calendar, you can refine your calendar strategy and drive better results. It’s like a pit stop that gives you a reality check. 

You can go to the next level by tracking your social media score. It will also help you monitor engagement, reach, and conversions. Also, certain tools will help you schedule and quickly analyze your content. Here are three tools to create the perfect social media calendar:

  • Google Calendar

It is a social media manager’s secret weapon! It ensures that your content is consistent, freeing up time for you to focus on creating and engaging with your followers. You can also schedule events in advance. 

  • Trello

Trello makes it easy to track progress, delegate tasks, and keep your workflow on track. With its sleek boards and cards, it organizes your content in a visually appealing way. So, if you want to be a social media powerhouse, it’s the ultimate tool for staying organized, creative, and on top of your game.

  • Buffer

With Buffer, gone are the days of manual posting and the headaches that come with it. Think of it as a Swiss Army Knife for social media management- it does it all, from scheduling posts in advance to analyzing their performance. In short, Buffer is a utility player for you to save time and increase productivity. 

A social calendar is vital for staying organized and ahead of the content curve. So, take a step back, get your creativity flowing, and get ready to plan your social media domination with a trusty calendar by your side.


With all these takeaways in mind, you can start creating your social media calendar to get more likes, shares, and, most importantly, a lot of customers. Also, here at Antriksh, we recently launched our own social media e-booklet, which helps you to increase conversion rates through well-optimized content strategies and impactful insights for the socials of your brand. 
Book a free consultation with our experts to help you attain business objectives and increase sales. Our dedicated team of professionals will ensure to support every type of business. Call us at 7249222661 or fill out our contact form to contact us.


10 Constructive Ways To Give Your Business Content An Added Edge

In today’s digitized world plenty of businesses have shifted their bases online. As a result, there is a plethora of content available at the consumer’s fingertips, now more than ever before!

However, creative business content is incredibly hard to find. Want your content to stand out from the crowd?

Here are 10 ways to give your business content an added edge:

1. An eye-catching image with a tagline

A tagline is the first thing that people notice about a brand. Having a catchy tagline generates intrigue among readers and attracts them to your content. But it is also true what they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Having relevant visual and creative images in your business content can definitely generate interest among the readers which justifies the caption/tagline.

2. Use proper grammar and punctuation

Usage of proper grammar and punctuation is key in creating a good article. Good punctuation gives a proper structure to your content and makes your content look more legitimate and professional. All the Wren and Martin users in the house must certainly be proud to have had paid attention to proper grammar in highschool!


3. Always provide correct research

Although it is tempting to do half-hearted research and churn out tonnes of content, limited but thoroughly researched and accurate content will always take preference over copious amounts of unresearched and inaccurate content. Moreover, analysis is an important step in content research and makes your research foolproof.

4. Provide well structured, easy-to-read business content

Want to attract more readers? Numbers and bullet points are your best friends. They divide large paragraphs into smaller bits and make content much easier to read and understand.

5. Proofread, Proofread, Proofread!

It is very tempting to produce content without thoroughly checking it. However, spelling errors can drop the legitimacy of your content significantly. Always proofread your business content at least twice before turning it in.


6. Pick a unique, creative and relatable topic

To stand out from the crowd it is necessary to go against it. Pick an uncommon topic and have your own unique voice on that particular topic. Having a unique voice will definitely give you an edge. But keep your topics relevant and relatable. Make sure there exists a problem before addressing it.

7. Using different writing techniques

Writing styles naturally differ from blog to blog. In order to master writing you must be adaptable and change writing styles. Reading and practising journaling every day is the best method to develop your writing skills.

8. Learning SEO techniques

Getting your website or blog at the top of the search results is an enormous achievement. It helps attract more traffic and will naturally attract a lot more interest.

The process of making your business content SEO-friendly starts with keyword research. Moreover, tailoring your content according to your set of keywords is an interesting puzzle that will definitely keep you hooked once you get going!


9. Use simple language

Using difficult words doesn’t necessarily make your content attractive. Writing short simple and engaging sentences can catch a reader’s attention much better than a piece that uses high-level vocabulary.

10. Avoid using unnecessarily wordy sentences

Wordy, run-on sentences make your business content difficult to read. Proper structure and short sentences are key in catching the reader’s attention. Hemingway Editor is a great tool to use if you wish to analyse the complexity of your sentences.

Have any further troubles while writing content for your business? Don’t worry! We, at Antriksh, are here to help! We are currently offering a limited period discount on our branding packages. Check out our website or send in a mail to contact@antrikshglobal.com to know more.


5 Branding Fundamentals to Establish a Strong Brand Identity

Building a business is challenging. Building a brand is more demanding. Not only is the process of branding unique to every business, but also tricky to decode. What may suit your business could be a disaster for another. Thus, the know-how of the fundamentals of branding is the key to establishing a solid brand identity.

In this article, we’ll take you through the five major components of Branding Fundamentals to help you better understand the process of brand building.

1. Relevance of your brand

A company’s aptitude to engage consumers’ emotions and establish a personal connection with them is referred to as brand relevance. Customers’ feelings are more important than their thoughts.

It will be beneficial in many ways to concentrate on your brand’s relevancy because it will cut client acquisition costs and raise customer lifetime value, and your business will keep expanding and making money.

Brands that excel in creating a positive customer experience don’t demand that customers follow their procedures. Instead, they customize their goods and services to satisfy client needs to maintain relationships.

Every brand should start by listening to its customers and learning what is vital to them. To uncover insights, it’s essential to look at quantitative information, like the number of likes, shares, and comments a piece of content receives on social media, and qualitative input, like sentiment analysis.


2. Credibility

Marketing professionals frequently mention brand credibility as a psychological element that could influence consumers’ propensity to make purchases. However, it can have either a beneficial or harmful impact, just like any other form of trigger. It refers to your brand’s reputation in this context and its capacity (or incapacity) to translate that into sales.

Customers frequently choose businesses that are regarded as leaders in their particular fields.

The number of years a company has been in business is another element that influences your purchasing habits. Given that it has been used by a particular demographic for that long, this speaks to the general appeal and quality of its service or product. Credibility in branding is all about how people perceive your business or organization.


3. Know Your Audience

Businesses that perform market research see quicker growth and more profitability. Your marketing effort and outcomes will be diluted by an audience that is poorly defined or too diversified. Keep in mind that there is a distinction between being unclear in your marketing and being indecisive with your business.

One of the best methods to characterize your customer is to create a buyer persona or an idealized representation of your target market. Along with facts about their interests, issues, and ambitions, you should also include information about the demographics of your consumer persona. Understanding their needs, wants, and desires fall under this category. You may develop messages, marketing and branding initiatives that connect with your target demographic if you clearly understand them.

Businesses can develop an enduring emotional bond with their clients and increase client loyalty. Success depends on outstanding customer experiences, an emphasis on creating great products or services, and coordinated branding initiatives.


4. Branding Elements

Before reading and absorbing your marketing messages, prospects take note of their visual appearance.

Your brand’s typography, color scheme, visuals, and website will give potential customers a glimpse of your brand’s style.

A logo may even denote a status symbol. Consider the pride people get when they drive a luxurious vehicle like a Buggati or don a Ralph Lauren outfit. Your company’s logo serves as a visual representation of what you stand for as a brand, in addition to serving as a means of identification for your business.

People have a solid emotional bond with the idea of color and that must an item of priority in your branding process. While the white is pristine and regal, the deep blue can give you a sense of safety and protection. While the purple feels opulent and majestic, the crimson is vibrant and vivid.

For customers to connect your visual assets with your brand, they must have the same underlying vibe as your logo and color scheme.


5. Differentiating Factor

By taking a cue from the past or imitating others in your sector, you cannot differentiate your brand. Try the disruption model instead. Consider your industry’s standard operating procedures and practices. Take note of the traditional approach and design a newer one which doesn’t resemble the same.

Let’s take Jio, for example. It offered free services to all of its customers in the initial phase and incurred a loss in doing so. However, they were able to acquire a ridiculously high number of customers, and the rest of the players in the telecommunication industry had to slash their rates to compete with Jio. Today, Jio is the market leader courtesy of its unconventional branding approach.

Jio’s brand strategy was based on differentiation in the business model. Let’s walk through the types of differentiating factors that you can adopt for your brand.

  • Product/Service

The finest marketing strategies start with items intended to stand out from the start. There are many shoe companies, but only one has the “Converse” brand’s relaxed, retro-casual sneaker vibe, which used to be the pinnacle of basketball shoes. Nike always stands out in the athleisure market thanks to its innovative designs.

  • Business Model

An innovative business model is a wise choice that generally pertains to startups. Investors will take notice of a superior company model if you demonstrate that it works and can attain optimum operational execution. Although consumers might not see the difference, you still need to perform effectively to stand out.

  • Marketing

Advertising and marketing campaigns frequently help a business stand out from the competition in crowded markets with plenty of comparable products. There are three additional ways to stand out in the advertising community: execution of creative ideas, media, or strategy.

For instance, consider Feviquik. Nobody even realized that large adhesive manufacturers existed before Pidilite’s humorous advertising. The differentiation in branding there is creativity. Television advertisements were run by no one else in that market, leading to media differentiation.

As a Brand Agency, we at Antriksh understand that adhering to the fundamentals of branding is crucial for every business out there. With our thorough brand analysis, we develop tailored solutions for your business. Click here for a free brand consultation and explore the endless possibilities to boost your business.


3-Step Guide on Keyword Research with Bonus Tips and Tools

We have now entered 2023 with several marketing strategies. Some things remain the same, like keyword research’s importance before writing or posting content about anything online. Every good article you read online goes through an in-depth analysis and research. Some writers often prefer to read magazines or blogs. The process of writing a blog article involves different steps. However, the writer must work and cover all essential aspects. A well-planned and researched article could work wonders for your business.

1. Why is keyword research necessary?

When discussing the importance of keyword research, user discovery is the primary aspect to consider. One should always think from the user’s perspective and what they want to discover. A perfect set of keywords can help your blog reach the targeted audience. It often gives traction with unique website visitors. The blog should balance different keywords pertaining to the primary niche.

To start any keyword research, seed keywords are the best. These keywords are usually small or short-tail with one or two words. An exciting tool called seedkeywords allows you to create a scenario and gives you a set of seed keywords for your project. Use these seed keywords and create your keywords around them. For instance, in the below example, we use the word blog as our seed keyword. Start using the seed keyword with different topics – How to start a blog, optimize my blog, rank my blog, and so on.


2. Benefits of Keyword Research

  • Growth in website’s organic traffic.
  • Higher rankings on search engines.
  • Reduce your site’s bounce rate with a proper set of keywords.
  • Gradual increase in conversions.
  • Stay updated with current trends.
  • Understanding user behavior and insights.
  • Get to know your competitors.
  • It also gives you ideas to curate content.


Bonus Tip – It is difficult to rank for competitive keywords. Go ahead and pick low to medium-competitive keywords. These will help you rank better on search engines. The second and most important tip would be to check Google suggestions. When you type something, it shows results with the most searched content.

3. Recommended Keyword Research Tools

We have compiled some great tools to help you ease the tedious research process. Let’s see how these tools will help you.

  • Semrush – This one needs no introduction! Semrush Magic Keyword Tool helps you with almost 20,000,000 keyword ideas with a single seed keyword! Check the historical data for in-depth analysis, SERP analysis, search volume, keyword difficulty, and many other features.
  • Ubersuggest – Neil Patel introduced this detailed keyword research tool. Ubersuggest allows you to see search volume, paid difficulty, cost per click, and SEO difficulty of any keyword. The best part is that you can even view the related keyword ideas and similar content ideas with the keyword.
  • Google Trends – This free tool by Google analyzes keyword popularity. It is based on geographical area and time period. Choose your area, subregion, and time period for a free analysis. You can even compare two different keywords to see the results. The tool will undoubtedly help you to get the most trending data!
  • Ahrefs – The complete package for all your keyword needs. The paid version lets you get keyword suggestions, keyword volume from 10 different search engines, click metrics, and accurate search volumes—the best keyword tool to level up your search game and rank higher with SEO.
  • Keyword Planner by Google Ads – Set Google Ad Campaigns, and the keyword planner by Google Ads does the job well! It is a free SaaS product by Google. An effortless way to generate keywords based on search engines. Use the free tool to plan all your Google Ads campaigns.


Other keyword research tools worth trying are Keywords Everywhere, Moz, Keywordtool, and KWFinder. What are your favorite keyword research tools?

We at Antriksh will help you with a Customised branding strategy for your brand. Book a free 30 minutes 1:1 session. Allow our team to simplify the process for you!