
7 Best Video Marketing Tips

Do you know the global average for video consumption is 84 minutes per day? 

And why not, Videos offer you the best experience with quality content in no time. From social media to your website, video marketing is the “ticket” to reaching and connecting with your target audience in a way that text and images simply can’t. So grab your cameras, get creative, and start rolling into the world of video marketing!

Contact Antriksh today to create stunning videos for your brand and devise a game-changing video marketing strategy. We also offer FREE Brand Analysis and Consultation.

Marketers and business owners optimize videos to drive:

  • High engagement rate 
  • Increase organic traffic
  • Better conversion rate.

It’s a no-brainer; a successful Video Marketing campaign will enable you to get better leads and engagement. 

Have you cribbed about getting more clicks, likes, and comments on your videos? If yes, then let’s dive straight into the tips and insights which will play an essential role in determining the success rate of your video. If done right, it can help you meet your business goals.

1. Perfect timing for Video Marketing

The duration of your video should be brief enough to keep your audience interested along the way. You can opt for the Storytelling method to keep your viewers engaged with your content. 

2. Catchy Hookline

According to stats, the average attention span is 8.5 seconds. That’s why you need to focus on the first ten seconds of your video. 

Create a hook to grab your viewer’s attention by clarifying what your video is all about. Also, unique thumbnails ease the process of enticing your target audience to click on the videos.


3. Tell your story with or without sound

Surprisingly, 80℅ viewers watch videos with the sound off. That’s why creating a compelling video with or without sound is essential. You can optimize your video by including the pro tips below-


• Beautiful visuals 

• Text-heavy descriptions

4. Repeat the call to action

Yes, read that again! Most of us include the CTA only at the end of the video. According to data, a CTA in the middle of the conversation had an average conversion rate of 16.95% compared with a CTA at the end. 

That’s why it is critical to include CTAs in various places by mentioning essential keywords such as

Subscribe to your channel

• Follow / Like your Page

• Share with your friends

• Comment on the video

• Check out other content 


5. Think SEO

Follow SEO practices to rank higher on the search page. You can do this by meticulously including keywords in your subtitle and adding a clear and concise description. 

Also collaborating with other brands and influencers builds connections and encourages social shares. This way, you can boost conversion and sales while building unshakable trust. 

6. Distribution channels for effective Video Marketing

 Identify and focus on distribution channels that will give you the highest ROIs. Ideally, there are three free distribution channels: 

Website- You can optimize your website’s content by including mini videos to build trust and boost traffic to your site. 

Blog- Adding videos to your blogs lets the viewers learn quickly about the content you are sharing. This practice will make the audience engage with your brand.

E-mails- Do you know email click rates go up by 300% when you add a video to your mail? I see no reason why you should not add videos to your email list here. 

Meanwhile, you can also opt for paid distribution channels for better lead generation. Google and Facebook ads work best when driving traffic through paid media. 

7. Track your video analytics 

Tracking your videos is one of the most efficient video marketing strategies to determine whether your video is booming. So, here’s a checklist that will help you in tracking the progress of your video:

View count

-Play rate

-Social sharing and comments

-Video completion

-Completion rate

-Click through rate

-Conversion rate

-Bounce rate

-Time on page 

Post tracking, you can make changes in your next video and ideate it accordingly for better results.


Consequently, by incorporating video marketing into your business strategies, you’ll be able to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic and ultimately boost sales. Remember, it’s all about doing video marketing the right way, targeting the right audience, and distributing it on the right platforms. So go forth, execute the above tactics, and watch your business soar to new heights!

Visit our website or fill out this form to book a free consultation and grab top-notch marketing and branding services


3 Best Content Strategies for Your Brand

Did you know 82% of consumers feel more positive about a brand after consuming customized content? 

There’s no secret sauce or a shortcut to creating brand content that people love. Focusing on a unique brand voice and value-added content comes close but building custom content strategies for your brand is the key to nailing your brand presence. 

One such brand is Zomato which has won hearts with its content. Their content strategies revolve around the following patterns:

– They engage with you by sending subtle yet interesting notifications

– By sharing relatable social media memes

– Collaborating with dynamic influencers on YouTube

Unsurprisingly, Zomato has over 32.1 million active users monthly, summing up its grand success. Now let’s look at three content strategies that will help you create impact: 

Video Marketing 

How often have you caught yourself binge-watching video content? According to the latest statistics, the average viewer spends 100 minutes a day watching video content. That sums it up to be one of the best content strategies!

Considering this fact, let’s dive into some types of videos that you can’t afford to ignore –

Profile video: It gives a quick glimpse of who you are and how you will delight your audience. 

Product/Service explainers: These videos help you quickly show use cases of your product or service and educate customers.

BTS videos: Include behind-the-scenes; viewers love to see the unscripted part.

User-generated content: Share customer’s stories to make them feel special and then just wait for the ROIs 

Shoot out with Influencers: Obsession with celebrities only catches the wind, so why not use it for your brand’s benefit?

Therefore, if you want ultra-pro video quality, contact Antriksh. We understand what people love and create click-worthy content.


Cult Content Strategies

Any piece of content that is interesting and informative qualifies as “cult content.” Furthermore, If you want to stand out from the crowd, being unique is how you do it. 

Look at TEDx; they lift potent voices in business, marketing, technology, and much more. Their uniqueness is 18-minute wide-ranging talks which make learning fun and interesting. Now, let’s look at the content lessons you can replicate to be the cult brand in the business world- 

First thing first, create helpful content which solves a genuine problem. 

Find your brand’s voice and stick to it; this will make it easier for the audience to spot you.

Only create content that aligns with your brand. Choose your unique style over trends. 

If you commit to these proven strategies, your brand and business will fetch the desired results.

Understanding the social media landscape

Social media is more than just a nice-to-have for your business in this competitive market! 

It is the most direct and advanced approach to reaching your target audience. Understanding the social media landscape is handy if you want to bridge the communication gap between you and your customers. You can optimize different platforms by producing dynamic content, for example- sharing personal stories, business, branding, entertainment, and education-focused content. 

Catch over here is to analyze top-notch brands like HubSpot, Google, and Nike and implement their strategies for your brand’s success. Here are the valuable insights practiced by B2B and B2C brands to leverage their businesses- 

B2B brands usually focus on optimizing LinkedIn and Google to reach more and more decision-makers

For B2C, the sky’s the limit. Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter are high-priority platforms depending on the content type.

With all these takeaways in mind, you can work on building effective content strategies. 

If you want to be at the top of your brand content game, visit or mail us at to get a FREE brand consultation and a guide on devising your brand’s content strategies!